On Sunday, I had my launch party for the Phoebe G. Green series. I held it at The Voracious Reader in Larchmont, NY, one of my favorite bookstores on the planet. Francine Lucidon, the owner, is so supportive to authors and a hand-selling guru to boot. She really embraces what an independent bookstore can be for the community. I had my first book party there for The Whole Story of Half a Girl which was a great experience, so I knew where to schedule my second. It was filled with many friendly faces and adorable young fans and hopefully future fans! There were perfect little carrot cupcakes and veggies for everyone to snack on. A day I won't forget. Thanks to all who came out and celebrated with me.
My next event is at The Purple Crayon in Hastings on Hudson, NY on October 26, at 3pm. If you missed this one, come and see me then! More to come on that...