Creamy, buttery squash soup, crunchy string beans, crispy roasted potatoes, and duck on a plate. This is the dinner Phoebe has with her French friend, Camille, in the first book of the Phoebe G. Green series. It was also the menu made by chef, Christine Seidl, and her young students. Christine runs The Magic Spoon, where she teaches kids in a very hands-on, approachable way, how to cook. She was inspired by the Phoebe G. Green books and decided to use them as a theme for a cooking class she held last week. What a nice combo!
Unfortunately I couldn't be there to taste the meal, but according to Christine, it was a hit. So if your kids are asking for cooking lessons in the Westchester, NY area, check out Christine's site here. Christine also makes wonderful, fragrant jams like Grape Lemongrass and Apple Lavender. I bought a whole bunch for holiday gifts just the other day and spent way too long at the sample table trying every single one. Phoebe and Camille would go crazy over them. Thanks Christine and I can't wait for my kids to take one of your classes!